The Little Mermaid

Presents a Classic tale as told by Hans Christian Anderson

Join us as we end our 2023-2024 season with this classic Fairytale of “The Little Mermaid”

Come sea creatures and land-walkers alike, brace yourselves for an epic plunge into the heart of the ocean – metaphorically speaking, of course. No snorkels required here, just a hefty dose of imagination and the willingness to believe that dancing crustaceans are the norm. "The Little Mermaid" isn’t just another fish tale; it’s an epic journey through waves of emotion, sprinkled with a bit of saltwater magic. Picture this: a world beneath the waves where love defies the laws of land and sea, and a young mermaid dares to dream of life above the surface. Intrigued? You should be. This isn’t your run-of-the-mill, splash-and-giggle mermaid story. It’s a full-on aquatic ballet. Get ready to be whisked away by the currents of our storytelling, where the stakes are high, and the fins are fabulous. So, grab your sea legs (or tails), and let's set sail into the depths. Trust us, it's a journey you'll want to be part of—no life jackets required.!

May 3rd & 4th 2024

Griffin Auditorium